About admin

Janice D. Green retired as an elementary librarian to write books. She is author, illustrator, and publisher of The Creation, a Bible storybook for children. The colorful illustrations are hand appliqued fabric pictures that have been put together to make a Bible quilt. Her passion is to write about the Bible in a way that encourages people to want to read it for themselves. Through this Bible Quilts blog she hopes to encourage others to make Bible quilts for the children in their lives. www.honeycombadventures.com www.biblequilts.com.

Coming soon: Creation Coloring Book

Coloring pages to make quilt blocks of the Genesis account of creation.

My picture book The Creation is finished and is available through Amazon.com (click to order). It will also be available in bookstores everywhere, once the store owners order it from their catalogs. As a first-time author, it will take some promotion to get it noticed, so feel free to help me out by asking for it. :-)