New Release Bible storybooks with coloring pictures

7 e 300Jonah: The Fearful Prophet by Janice D. Green with drawings by Kimberly Merritt is a newly released Bible story book put out by Honeycomb Adventures Press, LLC. As do all Honeycomb Adventures Books, this book comes with a downloadable PDF file with square coloring pages suitable for making Bible quilts.

Jonah: The Fearful Prophet comes in three different formats. As always with books by HAP, there is the full-color edition, but this time there is also a coloring book edition and an e-Book edition. The story is written in easy to understand language for children, but unlike most children’s Bible storybooks, Jonah: The Fearful Prophet tells the whole story—enough that even the parents and caregivers might learn something new as well. There are also great discussion questions in all three editions, and puzzles in the print editions.

Title Page without creditsHoneycomb Adventures Press has also come out with a second edition of The Creation using Nancy Gordon’s illustrations that many of my readers have already found. This second edition has been revised in several ways and includes puzzles as well in the print editions. Like Jonah: The Fearful Prophet, it also comes in three formats and includes the link to a free downloadable PDF file of the coloring pages.

Posted today on Honeycomb Adventures Press, LLC blog: Make a Crayon-Colored Bible Quilt

For those who wish to take their Bible quilt ministry even further, check out the backyard VBS ideas for sharing these stories with neighbor children in the back yard or wherever it suits you. Here are two recent blog posts from the Honeycomb Adventures Press, LLC website for you:

Backyard VBS Jonah: The Fearful Prophet

Backyard VBS The Creation

You can order any of these books on Janice D. Green’s author page at



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