Bible Quilt Coloring Page Sets

 The Creation

Coloring pages for The Creation, are specifically designed and proportioned for making crayon-colored quilts. They may also be used to re-enforce the lesson in a classroom setting.The Creation: Bible quilt coloring pages $1.50
Click here to purchase The Creation Coloring Pages.


The First Christmas

Coloring pages to make quilt blocks of the The First Christmas.

The coloring pages for The First Christmas may be used to make Christmas quilts or Christmas tree skirts.The First Christmas: Bible quilt coloring pages $1.50
Click here to order The First Christmas Coloring Pages.


Note that The First Christmas illustrations by Violet Vandor are also available as fully colored fabric which can be ordered from the Spoonflower website.


Vision for future offerings…

I hope to offer other downloadable coloring pages designed specifically for making crayon-colored Bible quilts. I need donors and sponsors who share my vision for Bible quilts to fund artists to create these pages so they can be offered as free downloads.

  Donate button not working. Will check into this…

I would like to offer basic patterns and tips for creating hand-appliquéd quilt blocks for Bible quilts; however, these are time consuming and I am wearing too many hats to be able to get around to this at the present time.



Bible Quilt Coloring Page Sets — 7 Comments

  1. I recently started a kit for the story of Noah’s ark. I am coloring the pictures with fabric markers and permanent markers and will them set them together in a wall hanging. I have experimented a little with fabric crayons. currently, I am cutting apart fabric printed for books and sewing them as blocks.

    I feel strongly that we should be teaching children scripture. I would love to make scripture quilts, wall hangings and books. Does anyone have ideas on how to get the words onto fabric? Special paper backed fabric that goes through a printer is too expensive for me to use.

    • I am excited to learn of your project with a Noah’s Ark wall hanging. I hope you will share a photo for my blog’s photo gallery when you finish it.

      I have been wondering what would be the best way to add Bible verses as well. You might try cross stitch or embroidery. Another option might be to use iron on transfers that you print out from a computer. That isn’t cheap but you can trim it more closely than the fabric sheets so one sheet could be used for portions of more than one block.

      I have not tried it, but it might be possible to make your own printer fabric sheets by ironing your fabric to freezer paper. I think it may be hard on your printer to do a lot of printing on fabric, so that could turn out to be expensive in more ways than one.

      I hope you end up with a great wall hanging. You said you were making a “kit.” are you planning to market it? If so, let me know and I will put in a plug for you on my blogs.

      • i block the quilt by washing it and then spnnniig it twice… let it bounce in the dryer for a short bit.lay it flat and use rulers to square it and blow floor fans to speed up the drying. this really works to get your quilt square! you can even correct small issues

      • My first attempt at designing a Bible quilt was to do what you are describing, but I gave up on developing a satisfactory combination of pictures or stories to represent the Bible. Of particular concern was the lack of anything that started with U coupled with the over abundance of names that started with J (Jesus, Joseph, Joshua, …) and several others. I came up with what I thought was a cool arrangement of the letters on the quilt top, but gave up on finding a balanced set of pictures.

  2. I am attempting to purchase a set of the coloring papers for The Creation, and all it does when I click Add to Cart is send me to Pay pal with no mention of the product. I am very frustrated and really would like to purchase this if you can tell me how to do it.

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